Merimbula News Weekly

Navigating a breakdown: Tips for staying safe when waiting for a tow truck

Being prepared for the possibility of a breakdown can help you navigate the challenging situation with calm and confidence. Picture Canva
Being prepared for the possibility of a breakdown can help you navigate the challenging situation with calm and confidence. Picture Canva

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Experiencing a vehicle breakdown can be an unsettling event, especially if you find yourself stranded on the side of the road. Being prepared and knowing how to safely wait for a tow truck can greatly reduce the stress and danger associated with such incidents. Here are essential tips for Australian drivers on how to navigate a breakdown and wait safely for assistance.

Before you do absolutely anything else, call a towing service near you. You may have to wait for hours for one to arrive, so call a tow truck as soon as you possibly can to expedite the process. Next, follow these steps to stay safe while you wait.

1 Move to a safe location

If possible, steer your vehicle to the side of the road or into a breakdown lane. The goal is to move away from the flow of traffic to reduce the risk of a collision. If your vehicle stops in a dangerous spot and cannot be moved, leave the vehicle only if it is safe to do so and wait for help at a safer location.

2 Make your vehicle visible

Once you're safely parked, turn on your hazard lights. This alerts other drivers that your vehicle is stationary and to proceed with caution. If it's dark or visibility is poor (e.g. foggy conditions), consider using flares or reflective triangles if you have them in your emergency kit to increase visibility.

3 Stay inside your vehicle

If you're in a relatively safe location away from fast-moving traffic, it's generally safer to stay inside your vehicle with the doors locked. This protects you from the elements and reduces the risk of injury from passing vehicles. However, be mindful of the surroundings and make a judgement based on the safety of the area.

4 Communicate your location

When you contact a towing service or roadside assistance, provide them with as much detail about your location as possible. Use landmarks, road signs, or GPS coordinates if available. A precise location can significantly speed up the response time of the tow truck.

Knowing how to safely wait for a tow truck can greatly reduce the stress and danger associated with a breakdown. Picture Shutterstock.
Knowing how to safely wait for a tow truck can greatly reduce the stress and danger associated with a breakdown. Picture Shutterstock.

5 Prepare for weather conditions

In Australia, weather conditions can change rapidly. Keep an emergency kit in your car that includes water, snacks, a blanket, and appropriate clothing for the weather (e.g. raincoat, hat, sunscreen). This is particularly important in rural or remote areas where help may take longer to arrive.

6 Alert others

Inform someone - a family member, friend, or colleague-of your situation. Let them know where you are and that help is on the way. This ensures that someone else is aware of your circumstances and can check in if the situation changes.

7 Monitor your vehicle

If there's a risk of your vehicle causing further issues, such as leaking fluids or an electrical problem, it's important to monitor these risks and inform the tow truck operator when they arrive. Always prioritise safety over vehicle security.

8 Do not flag down other vehicles

While it might be tempting to accept help from passing motorists, this can sometimes be unsafe. It's best to wait for professional help as they are equipped to deal with vehicle issues safely.

9 Know your service provider

If you have a roadside assistance provider, keep their contact information easily accessible in your vehicle. Knowing whom to call immediately can save time and reduce stress. Additionally, review what services your provider offers so you know what to expect when they arrive.

10 Stay calm

Breakdowns can be frustrating and stressful. Maintaining a calm mindset helps you think clearly and make safer decisions. Also, you might be in for a bit of a wait, especially if you're in a remote location. Always remember that you've made the right call - help is on the way. Your situation is only temporary.

By following these tips, you can ensure your safety and the safety of others while waiting for a tow truck. Breakdowns are never planned, but being prepared can help you navigate these challenging situations with confidence. Remember, safety should always be your top priority during a breakdown.